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over the years it seems that the names big creek, welshman's creek and sometimes cory's creek were used for the creek which, in 1973 was officially designated mirari creek. a map dated 1894 shows welshman's creek and wattle creek flowing into mirari creek on the additional land purchased by edward in 1837. to confuse matters the name welshman's creek is today given to a creek in the parish of wallarobba.

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the current topographical map for paterson, 9232-4-n, shows mirari creek arising west of hilldale and flowing through edward's purchased land, across the gostwyck flats of his original grant, across j frankland's grant, vineyard, now known as mowbray, across cory vale and then into the allyn river. in 1872 many people living in the vicinity of the creek, used a postal address of big creek followed by either vacy or paterson.

in 1861, the crown land, east of edward's primary grant which he had been renting became available for conditional purchase by selectors. it seems that this land was largely selected by families who had been residing there or on the freehold land of the gostwyck estate. the area included martin's creek and shingle splitter's creek.

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the following list, compiled from various records, includes those who have, prior to 1873, given big creek, martin's creek, mirari creek, shingle splitter's creek or welshman's flats as part of their address. because the extent to which the name big creek applied is indeterminate, the list may include persons who were living beyond the e g cory estate.

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